The PASS software download allows you to run the various language configurations i. What can I do with it? The software is a useful tool for teachers, therapists, and caregivers. These visual support materials can be used in conjunction with the device i. Some people have projected PASS software through their SmartBoard and made it a giant interactive communication display at the front of the classroom where all kids can see the motor sequences being activated modeled.
PASS is only compatible with Windows computers. My daughter chose a VMax after many trials of both and I would be glad to call you some time and share what we learned in our extensive exploration. I can only speak of what I know and have experience. I am teaching at least one adult to use Minspeak, and am in contact with another that wants to learn it.
For the adult point of view, PRC is far more advanced for the words available over all. My daughter used a Vantage for 4 years, and has used the Eco for one. If your child is into comptuers and technology, the Eco from PRC is the way to go, if you ask me.
If your child has fine motor skills delays, the Vantage might not be for your son. The Vanguard would be up the right alley if that's the case.
On the Eco,the 84 location is one inch keys, and no problem at all for her to hit, but the thing does weigh abot 6. She does have aide to carry the device around for her. Some people say it takes years to learn, even Minspeak website says 90 hours. I say hours of practice and coaching, and you can have it mastered. I love using Minspeak and the CORE words, because it is very easy to write complete sentences and thoughts using Minspeak.
If you need any coaching on what to do with this PASS, ask. I use yahoo IM primarily, to teach and work stuff out with people. I even have a parents group for PRC users. Parents can tell you way more than any tech rep can usually! Yes, I love PRC devices. You will find just as many that love the Dynavox products. But I think if you are thinking way ahead into the future, PRC is the way to go, for its language buildign capabilites. The thing I like the most about the Vantage, you can start out with 4 locations, then move up to 8, then 15, then 45, then 60, then At first, it is a page ased system, but then as you go, you learn Minspeak a little by little, and it is very easy to move UP to the more advanced Minspeak.
On the Eco, you can even move up to locations, for a vocabulary of over words. Happy hunting. Thanks to everyone. We're hoping to meet with the 2nd specialist to learn more about why she chose the Dynavox. My concerns so far are it's heavier than the Vantage Lite, lacks a handle, less battery life, and the startup time is supposed to be quite long.
I don't know enough about the languages to know which is better. Our Son is a sweet child, loves pressing buttons on things, he can isolate his index finger well to press even small buttons, but would have trouble say using a PS2 controller. He's 3 years 3m old now, and signs a few words, points, and speaks just a limited of words, perhaps 8 or so. Perhaps we can arrange to have him try out both, although we don't want to confuse him. Dynavox doesn't have a download available from their web site, but I believe it can be sent to you on a CD if you request it.
I have been trying to find a web site that talks about Wordpower software, but can't seem to find it. Maybe someone else can help me out. Playing with a demo that is set up similarly to what each of the evaluators pictured your child using if you can't bring a trial device home to look at should help you a lot. If this should happen to be the case, you need to know this before you make your decision on AAC. Your input only makes the eval better.
You know your child better than anyone. The Unity language system is the original core word system that provides maximum flexibility, as well as communication and educational supports. The Unity language system is the most established AAC language system in the industry, is used by tens of thousands of people using AAC and has been translated into more than a dozen languages. The UNIDAD system was developed to enable bilingual individuals who use AAC to express themselves fully in both languages, thereby communicating successfully in all environments.
The CoreScanner language system from PRC is one that directly addresses the unique needs of children who use switches to communicate and access language. CoreScanner offers a road map that starts out at a single word and gradually adds language without ever changing the motor plan. A powerful, yet simple, spelling-based program designed for literate individuals such as adults with ALS.
WordPower is a word-based generative language system that combines core vocabulary and spelling with grammar and spelling prediction. It facilitates fast, efficient communication for nonspeaking individuals in a short period of time.