How to convert psd web template to html

Export Kit has great Text Support for justification for left, center and right; including various character styles and paragraphs when using text layers. This is the default rendering of text layers when using the type tool. Label Text will render the content of the text layer based on its calculated pixel size. This is the secondary rendering of text layers when using the type tool. Paragraph Text will render the content of the text layer based on the size you draw the text layer.

Character styles are supported in all environments by default without additional settings or external files. Not all environment support all characters. Photoshop will use the text contents of layers as the name. There are some cases where a designer may use a price, phone number or address — which can result in an invalid layer name. This is possibly the most common designer error.

If you design changes and your text needs to become larger — do not scale the text, but rather change the font size. Always use round values. Additionally only Adobe supports pixel-fractions. Using Google Fonts. We have a custom JavaScript for adding Google Fonts to any project or website without additional dependencies. The script is open-source and free as air, so use it any way you feel. Once the script links are added, there are no other options to configure. Google fonts will now auto-load.

All layer effects are supported with shapes. Layer Tags Tags are custom names you can apply to elements in your document to convert them to respective objects in each environment. Layer Tags are very powerful and allow you to enhance your interactive output with common environment elements out-of-the-box.

This tag can be used on both layers and folders to skip the element from processing during the export. This tag is great for keeping notes or custom elements within your document, used for reference rather than output. This tag will rasterize the contents of both layers and folders, converting the element to an image in the output.

This will both save the image as the default image type and render the native environment image element. This tag is individually processed by each environment to open a web link only.

The args must be a valid url, anchor or web script. Styles within a text block are just that — inline. Read more about using Paragraph Tag. All supported object tags will use native HTML5 controls for rendering media. The args must be a valid url. Object Types youtube wav mp4 oog-video oog-audio webm swf wmv Read more about using Object Tag.

This will allow you to wrap the document folder contents into a Form element respective of the output environment.

The Form element will enhance your interactive outputs adding the ability to build data-driven interactive applications from a single PSD file. Form Types get post Read more about using Form Tag. This is a monster of a tutorial, as the design is a bit complex. I hope that you can go through this tutorial and learn a few techniques that will help you in future projects. Starting with the initial process of exporting the individual images from the Photoshop document through to building the complete page.

This is Part 2 of tutorial series. The first part dealt with creating a web design mockup of an elegant and simple blog web design. You should do Part 1 before attempting this tutorial so that you to gain the most benefit. Viewed 6k times. I'm learning web dev and I am already stucked at some point..

Improve this question. Photoshop is not an appropriate tool for creating a web design. It assumes things about print that no longer work for web. Oh, and by the way: using gif nowadays is just a really bad idea. Use png instead. Some restrictions apply — but in most cases, png is the way to go. Joel: Its fine for creating the composite to serve as the basis for the graphics - and when most people who arent already in the industry think "web design" they think of the graphic design side more than the code side.

Photoshop is the industry standard tool for the graphics side of it - much to my chigrin as i much prefer fireworks for making composites. In my opinion Photoshop is and always will be a "photo editor" not suited for layout whether print or web. Add a comment. Active Oldest Votes. They will cause you more trouble than they are worth. Especially if you are going to use CSS for layout which I strongly encourage. Thats not to say those features dont have some limited valid usages more on this in point 2 it just that they arent going to magically generate your site from a graphic.

In order to use "Save for Web Again this isnt magic and chances are youre going to have to completely redo most of what its done for you - making it useless for anything more than slicing a certain area of the layout say a single menu.

Improve this answer. Philip Kirkbride Tatu Ulmanen Tatu Ulmanen k 32 32 gold badges silver badges bronze badges.


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